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Everything that is posted online about Brian Ellington is true. He has a long criminal and arrest record. There are seven people who have reported money stolen from them just between September of 2006 and December of 2006 in the New York Area. Six of the people have spoken to the police. These victims are of both sexes and varying ages.

Brian Ellington pled guilty to aggravated harassment and confessed to police to being a thief, con artist, etc. Brian also during interrogation spent time discussing how he drugs his victims.

We have more than one person reporting themselves being mysteriously ill only when Brian was around including myself. There is also suspicion he drugs pets as several pets have mysteriously and inexpliciably fallen ill/died when Brian is around. Whatever he was drugging my food/beverage with put me in the emergency room twice and caused open sores/red spots all over half my face as well as nearly cost me my career since I was too weak to dress myself.

He also discussed how he will pick up male and female victims, sleep with them in their hotel room, take their wallet and phone and disappear.

Those things are dead true facts and we have an inch and a half thick file to back it up.

I would love for Brian to try and sue any of us for libel; there is a large, angry mob of victims who would like to see him in person who want their money back and the police will be right there to arrest his ass if he appears publically.

There is currently a felony warrant for Brian's arrest and more coming.

The purpose of the information posted on the internet is not about revenge, it is about the arrest, prosecution and stopping of a dangerous sociopathic predator lifetime career criminal who has looked over the legal system, found cracks and slithers around through them, fleeing and hiding when he's about to be caught.

Anyone who believes anything he says is just sad and pitiful. The sad thing is there are still a lone few who just let themselves be victimized.

He is an identity thief and cash thief who assaults his victims. At least now people will have the chance I did not which is to protect themselves with true information since the law is very severly failing the public in his case.


Also, I would greatly appreciate if Kevin would be willing to get in touch with us regarding what he knows about Brian's past history. This is for purposes of assisting with a criminal investigation. Believe me I would be happy to never hear his name again - I can't go into further details publically. Thanks.


Need to post a correction: The arresting officer gave incorrect information. Ellington did not plead guilty but rather did not show up to court and a warrant for his arrest was issued December 2006 in New York.


Last I heard Ellington is back in NC. He was seen on golf courses posing as a pro and walking out on bar tabs (as usual).

Prob living with his mom who always bails him out of his jams. Seems the problem with him is that his parents still baby the 30+ year old and pays to keep the guy out of jail.

Let's keep an eye out for this guy and keep the site updated for everyone's sake.


James Brian Ellington is back! This time he is going by James Ciarlo and scamming women and men in NYC.

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