A 75 year old woman from Sweden is now owner of the world's fastest internet connection.
"Sigbritt Löthberg's home has been supplied with a blistering 40
Gigabits per second connection, many thousands of times faster than the
average residential link and the first time ever that a home user has
experienced such a high speed."
She can copy an entire DVD in less than 2 seconds!
I hate reality TV. But the only reality show I watch also happens to be my absolute favorite TV right now. Man Vs Wild. Bear Grylls takes on survival in a different location each episode.
Bear is fucking nuts (but in a good way.) He's not wrestling crocs like Steve Irwin for no real reason. He's simply demonstrating what a human must do to survive under some of the worst environments on the planet.
All I can say is every episode contains moments where I yell out "No" "Wow" "Holy Shit!" and "Ohhhh." I find it educational and extremely entertaining. The Discovery Channel no longer just rocks on Shark Week.
(Thanks: Rob) (And many many Thanks: Adam for demanding I watch the show!)
What do Liberia, Myanmar, and the United States all have in common? (Hint: it's not our love of Three's Company re-runs.) No, we're the only 3 countries on planet Earth not using the metric system.
How can America be so awesome, but still so backwards?
Answer - Perhaps we're not "so awesome!" (Mexico adopted it over 160 years ago!)
Colourlovers is a wonderful site that covers color. They recently did a post that nicecly breaks down the color palettes of some of the greatest painting ever made. They're great paintings for a reason, and examining the color chart allows you to apply the scheme to just about anything.
Enjoy your colour! (FYI - the above chart is a breakdown of Van Gogh's 'Starry Night.') LINK - Colourlovers.com
We have a rule about spiders in our house. In general, we allow these helpful creatures to live, capturing them and taking them outside so that they can continue to rid the world of other nasty bugs. However, if they enter our bedroom they are dead. There is no mercy. This is, I realize, completely irrational and unfair to the spiders. (My friend Frank theorizes that in a few million years spiders will evolve to avoid entering my bedroom.)
I'm not sure how I would react to finding this guy in my house, though...
Diesel kicked some ass with taking the amazing 3D projector (recently used on the Gorillaz world tour) from Eyeliners 3D's incredible technology. Check out the video below - it's really opening doors for creative stage shows.
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