I've been seeing this billboard around town for the past 2 weeks in Los Angeles, and it makes me realize just how stupid we are in LA. The most image conscious city in America (yes it's a bold statement) is so caught up in looking "hot, stylish" and partying with the "in" crowd - the next logical step in advertising is this. Go out in style, and have the biggest, coolest funeral in town. It used to be just Bar Mitzvahs and Weddings. Now to keep up with the Jones, you have to throw a party so exclusive that you're too cool to go alive and breathing!
When my 4 year old sees those billboards, she always says, "that lady is going to fall off that tricycle and hurt herself. And maybe go to the hospital!"
"Yes" I tell her, "but, she will be going in style!"
Thanks to Bloggingla.com for snapping a picture of the signs.
LINK (via: Blogging.la)
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